Freitag, 27. Mai 2011

Appearances are deceptive, ‘cause nothing is as it seems

Unser neuster Song kommt jetzt!
Er heißt LOOK INSIDE ME und handelt von einem Mädchen, das eigentlich alles hat was man sich nur wünschen kann. Doch mit einem mal zerbricht ihre perfekte Welt und...
Ach, lest am besten einfach selbst.
Hier kommen die Lyrics (und sehr bald wird die Melodie dazu folgen)

Verse 1
Everybody think my life is perfect
I'm daddy’s little princess
And he gives me all things you can think of
What I want comes true; I don't need to ask for something
Don’t matter if it's a new car or
A celebration for my sweet sixteen in NYC
Dancing all nightlong
Every time having my friends around me
No party works without me

There isn't a single flaw in my life
I’m the It-girl of my town
Don’t know what poverty really means
I thought my life has no problems
Until I realized that
Appearances are deceptive, ‘cause nothing is as it seems
And I wish they can look inside me

Verse 2 
Perfection is transient
It’s like the most wonderful rose
Even she will wither on day
When I saw my daddy next door
Kissing with my enemy number one
This bleach blonde Barbie girl
I didn’t knew how to react
My perfect life seems to break
Into 1000 of glass slinter


Verse 3 
No glue in the world can fix the broken hearts
And my hurt feelings
Angry or desperate, don’t how I should be
I only want to leave this scary world for a little while
Runaway from pain and grief
With a bottle of vodka in my hands
And some drugs from
The tough dealer with his gang
So for a little moment I feel strong and happy


Verse 4
Drugs ruled my life and
Turn me into another person
Somebody who I not wanted to be
All my friends turn away from me
They’re not the persons they seemed to be
Don’t wanna help me with my problems
Now I recognized I have to change something
Because not even drugs undo things that happened
They just had made everything worse 

There wasn't a single flaw in my life
I was the It-girl of my town
But friends left me and drugs came
I thought my life has no problems
Until I realized that
Appearances are deceptive, ‘cause nothing is as it seems
And I wish they can look inside me